K-12 Behavior Support Specialist
Shana Bailey
K-12 Behavior Support Specialist
Northcentral Arkansas Education Service Cooperative
870-368-7955 (office)
K-12 Behavior Support Specialists (BSS) are consultants with expertise in the area of behavior.
In affiliation with the Arkansas Division of Elementary and Secondary Education, Special Education Unit, BSS provide technical assistance and professional development to promote positive behavioral outcomes for students with disabilities.
A BSS is located at each Education Service Cooperative (ESC) in order to meet the needs of each district in the state of Arkansas. NAESC’s BSS is Shana Bailey (shana.bailey@northcentralcoop.org).
Dr. Shelia Smith (shelia.smith@archford.org) is the BSS Coordinator.
BX3 (Behavior eXtreme 3 – Training, Coaching, Empowering) project that is designed to build local capacity across the state. District teams are trained, coached and empowered by the Behavior Support Specialists (BSS) to work effectively with students with challenging behaviors. District teams participate in a multi-year initiative, to increase local capacity that will help districts build sustainable programming and legally defensible processes for Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) and Behavior Intervention Plans (BIP).
Districts may receive assistance with behavior concerns or programming through professional development provided at Education Service Cooperatives. Visit ESC Works (https://www.escweb.net/ar_esc/) for trainings of interest.
BSS work with school teams to provide training and technical assistance in response to individual-student CIRCUIT referrals related to severe/dangerous behaviors and/or Autism Identification. Circuit referrals can be submitted at: https://arksped.k12.ar.us/sections/circuit.html
Visit www.arkansasbss.org for more information about services provided by K-12 Behavior Support Specialists.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!